by SigniferOne

The view from the top

Porta Capena

Walls of the Aventine

Walls of the Caelian

Porta Caelimontana

Porta Viminalis

Between Cispus and Viminalis -- the two hills

The Capitoline Arx (citadel, where the "city center" square for capturing will be)

Casa Romuli -- the hut of Romulus

Porta Fontinalis (the only way from Campus Martius into the city)

The Capitoline Hill and the Capitoline Arx from Campus Martius

The city, spread out below

The making of
O Men of Rome, for how long have you longed to gaze upon these hallowed Hills?

UPDATE (5/23):

The walls indicate the size of the vanilla Huge City, and you can see how much bigger the new Rome will be in comparison. You can also see, in the middle, the beginnings of the Roman forum. And finally, the greatest achievement of them all, you can see that the incline going up the hills has the GROUND texture, rather than my own imposed texture, so whatever the ground texture will be like, that's what the ground will be like everywhere, even on the inclines. Maybe it's easier for me to get than to explain...
The 'city square' will be on the right side, so you'll have to imagine battling Roman soldiers uphill, in a futile attempt to reach it. That entire half of the hill was historically a citadel, and so it will be once again. I might even require you to bring Rams up the incline, in order to storm the walls of that Citadel. Good luck with that!
UPDATE (5/26):
Working on walls:

Building the Citadel:

The beta of the citadel with Semi-finished walls on the Capitoline hill:


UPDATE (5/27):
I have created an introductory tutorial in the Tutorials subforum, explaining how to edit ground features which is the basic building block when creating custom cities. The tutorial can be found here:
In other news, with the creation of the first tutorial I would like to organize a group of modders together, people who are interested in creating new cities, to facilitate exchange of information and for collaboration and group work.
I am considering a few names for the name of the guild, such as The Crafters Guild or The Masons Guild. I would also like to think of some names that don't have the word "guild" which has medieval connotations. In any case, PM me if you would like to join and are following along the tutorial and are seriously interested in pursuing this.
UPDATE (6/5):
Building the Servian Walls, the great, arduous, and incredibly daunting task:

UPDATE (6/5):
Since I have been able to create my own settlement editor, there will be some major progress.
Building the forum:

As you can see, all of the major buildings are represented: temple of Saturn, temple of Castor & Pollux, temple of Concord, the various Tabernae on both sides of the forum, the various basilicas, the Curia Hostilia (i.e. where the Senate met during the Republic), and the round temple of Vesta. I haven't put in the Regia yet, to the right of the House of the Vestals, but that will be done like five seconds after I finish typing this post. Any suggestions so far? I am still thinking of how to best represent the Umbilicus. Lacus Curtius may.. or may not make it into the model. Would be neat, actually.
By the way, I am using Platner's schematics of Forum in the Republic, which makes very clear distinctions between the Republican-era and the Imperial-era fora. Also, although Platner had the Tabularium atop Capitoline marked as a Republican building, since it came so late in the Republic I will not be representing it in this model. The middle part of the Capitoline will either be bare, or have some misc. buildings and maybe houses on it.
UPDATE (9/25):
The beginnings of a forum:

Working on the Palatine:

The south west corner was left empty for an important number of religious monuments (Romulus' spear thrown from the Aventine and now growing as a tree, the hut of Romulus and his adopted father Faustinus, etc). There will be more buildings in the north east corner (on the slope), such as the temple to Victoria and the shrine to Victoria Virgo.
You can walk through the buildings through the two passes in the middle, and the edges of the hill will be open for troops (archers) to take place on and rain arrows down from. It will be quite a joy to try taking Rome by siege...
UPDATE (2006, 3/22):
Well ladies and gentlemen, our massive preview is coming along soon, so I thought I'd drop a little hint (an old screenshot) of what could be included there...

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