Official site (Italian): http://www.freeforumzone.it/viewforum.aspx?f=72672
TWC Forum: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=91
The Guild Forge: http://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=60838
The Guild forum: http://forums.totalwar.org/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=216
About Paeninsula Italica
"In this mod we are aiming to portray Italy in the late fourth century BC. For over a hundred years since the founding of the Republic, Rome's remained a small, almost provincial town, with only two notable events to its name: the successful taking in 396 B.C. of Veii, a major Etruscan city, and its own sacking by Gauls just a few years later. Now, in the last half/quarter of 4th century BC, Rome has grown considerably in power. It has dissolved the Latin League in 338 B.C. and has taken up the leadership among the Latin states. To the south-east are the great numbers of hardy Samnite mountain warriors. In the north are still eleven of the old twelve powerful Etruscan strongholds. Even further to the north are teeming hordes of Celts, who have just 50 years ago invaded across the Alps into the Po Valley, and entirely obliterated the old twelve Etruscan powerful cities there. And to the south, of course, are the Greeks. News has arrived that Alexander of Epirus, uncle of Alexander the Great, has just landed in Campania, with ambitions for the whole peninsula." SigniferOne
"The mod starts at 333/4 BC when Alexander of Epirus, uncle of Alexander the Great, arrives in Campania to help Italiotae Greeks against Oscans.About the Spartans: "The increase of Taras' wealth produced a disaffection to the military duties among the rich citizens. This disaffection as well as the ceaseless pressure of the Oscans explains Taras' reliance after 350 on foreign mercenaries. In 343 King Archidamos of Sparta landed with a Spartan and mercenary force; he was killed in battle and his men surrounded and wiped by the Lucani and the Messapians. In 334, Alexander king of Epirus began a series of successful campaigns overrunning most of Apulia. But Taras, withdrew support, fearing his ambitions for personal power, and he was in addition surrounded by the Lucani. Trying to break out, he killed the Lucanian general in single combat but his army was destroyed and he was killed by a Lucanian soldier, maybe a deserting mercenary of his own army. Next was Kleonymos, an adventurer of the Spartan royal house, who brought 5.000 mercenaries from Greece, recruited 5.000 more in Italy, was given 20.000 Tarantine foot citizens and 2.000 horses, and was joined by other Italiote cities and the Messapii. Again he was feared by Taras and was too ambitious so, to keep him away, Taras turned his attention on the northern Adriatic for an attempt of invasion of the Venetia, to keep him away. He started the invasion with a series of raids against the Venetic coastal settlements, but the sudden reaction of the Veneti nearly destroyed his entire force and only a small part of his army with few ships could escape. Finally in 280 BC, when Rome was the enemy, Taras called in king Pyrros of Epirus to head a grand coalition. He imposed conscription and a harsher discipline than the Tarantines were used to, retraining the army. After his withdrawal Taras was soon captured by Rome, and stayed in Roman hands except for revolting to Hannibal from 212 to 209 BC." Hister
historical backround: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=33438
minipreviews: mercenary, regional and foreign units: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=56996
factions preview: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=47617&page=10#post1701047
- Ligures - Liguria - Celto-Ligurian culture
- Insubres (Galli Insubres) - Insubria - The Gauls - the Celtic factions
- Cenomani (Galli Cenomanii) - The Gauls - the Celtic factions
- Veneti
- Boii (Galli Boii) - The Gauls - the Celtic factions
- Senones (Galii Senones) - The Gauls - the Celtic factions
- Rhaeti
Etruscans - Tuscana
Greeks/South Italians - Taras
- Apuli - The Iapygians
- Lucani
- Italiotae - The Greeks
- Bretii
- Syracusae - The Greeks
- Messapii - The Iapygians
- Poeni (Carthaginians) - The Carthaginians
Samnites (The Samnite Confederation)
- Samnites, Pentri, Hirpini, Caudini, Carricini
Lucani (Lucanians)
- Lucani
Brettii (Bruttians)
- Brettii
Sabellici (The Sabellic League)
- Marsi, Paeligni, Marrucini, Vestini
The Coastal Oscan Tribes
- Campani, Nolani, Alfaterni, Sidicini
- Frentani
Picentes & Praetutii
- Picentes, Praetutii



TUSCI (south etruria)


LEGA ITALIOTA (tarentum, croton, locroi, etc...)



ETRUSCI (north etruria)

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