The "Etrusci" faction includes the northern Etruscan states which historically were more reluctant to contrast the Roman expansion; they retained their own autonomy and identity longer than the southern cities
Arretium (Ager Arretinus)
Volaterrae (Ager Volaterranus)
Rusellae (Ager Rusellanus et Vetuloniensis)
Populonia (Ager Populoniensis)
Fesulae (Ager Fesulanus)
Pisae (Ager Pisanus)

The "Tusci" faction instead covers the southern and tiberine Etruscan cities which were the most active to fight the Romans but the first to fell and to loose their identity
Tarquinii (Ager Tarquiniensis)
Volsinii (Ager Volsiniensis)
Vulci (Ager Vulcitanus)
Falerii (Ager Faliscus)
Clusium (Ager Clusinus)
Perusia (Ager Perusinus)
Cortona (Ager Cortonensis)


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